Chandran Gurukkal Ayurvedic clinic offers the best of Ayurvedic treatments and medicinal massages. All our remedies are derived from herbal plants. We combine the 5,000 year old ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with modern medicine and adhere to the the age old Ayurvedic traditions and techniques. A highly motivated and committed team of doctors and therapists ensure the highest levels in the quality of treatment and medicinal preparations. We offer pure Ayurvedic treatment which eliminates the ailment from its root. Our special health and beauty care packages are specifically designed to treat modern day maladies like stress, respiratory problems, eye ailments and skin diseases.
know more our treatmentsTreatments at CGAC take place under the supervision of qualified doctors and well-trained therapists in hygienically maintained environment. The CGAC team including our doctors, therapists and staff work very closely with the clients so that they get the desired results from their time with us.
Chandran Gurukkal Ayurvedic Clinic started operations in the August 2018. Now we are an internationally renowned brand for Ayurvedic therapies - both curative and preventive. This institution is managed by qualified Ayurvedic doctors with vast experience and expertise in the traditional systems of Ayurveda. .
Assess your overall health ,Make recommendations for corrective and preventive steps ,Understand various aspects of your current and past situation ,Recommend various corrective and preventive steps
More DetailsAyurveda follows the concept of understanding the doshas in order to heal oneself. The three ayurvedic body types, or doshas, are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Each type of dosha has a unique set of characteristics and the body type of a person depends ...
More DetailsModern living can place immense stress on our body and mind. Stress contributes to the over-production of cortisol in our blood stream, which negatively impacts the immune and nervous systems. In addition to our high cortisol levels...
More DetailsRejuvenating the body, soothing the mind, healing a myriad of ailments and nurturing the spirit, the Ayurvedic Wellness Centre provides solutions for our modern-day lifestyle through a variety of Ayurvedic treatments.
More DetailsAyurveda seeks to gently re-balance your body and mind, restoring them to their original state of equilibrium through massage, traditional therapeutic body treatments, internal cleansing, herbal prescriptions...
More DetailsPanchakarma is the most famous detoxification process of Ayurveda, restoring youth with the help of medicated oils. This special treatment of medicated oil massage and herbal remedies was...
More DetailsYou can see all the new offers we offer here. Choose from our latest offers
Shirodhara comes from the two Sanskrit words “shiro” (head) and “dhara” (flow). It’s an Ayurvedic healing technique that involves...
BOOK NOWThakradhara is an Ayurvedic procedure that involves pouring medicated buttermilk ...
BOOK NOWHere you can find all the important information about our clinics.
We are proud of your loyal service towards the company, and we expect you to continue your work with all your passion and integrity. Congratulations once again, and we heartily wish you the very best for your future endeavors.
We are pleased to announce that the Al Karama team has won the clinic of the month for September, 2021 Congratulations to y'all for all the hard work and positive thinking. The Karama team took the meaning of teamwork to a whole new level.
Thank you for your good work!